Katrin Iken Katrin Iken

Rube Goldberg Machines

It all begins with an idea.

Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist who was famous for drawing cartoons with complex processes for simple tasks. The Rube Goldberg machine was named after him - it is a device constructed of many smaller devices, connected in a series of chain reactions so each task starts the next one until the stated goal is completed.

Often kids are introduced to Rube Goldberg Machines in Science class. It is a great introduction to engineering and physics as it teaches forces, energy, motion and simple machines all at once.

Our Hamster Wheel is not a TRUE Rube Goldberg machine, as the customer has to keep cranking, pulling, running and moving to keep the snow cone process moving. But it is in this spirit that it was born. Place your cup in the conveyor belt and spin the wheel - watch your cup move along the track. Pull the rope and the ice drops into your cup. Climb up onto the wheel, release the brake and run, run, run! The ice gets crushed and drops into your cup. Time to move the cup to the next station! Climb off the wheel, spin the handle and drop the hammer to smash the ice into the cup. Finally, flavor with your snow cone with up to 5 different syrups. One last spin along the conveyor belt to pick up your spoon and you are ready to eat your treat!

Are you an educator looking for a fun way to teach your kids about simple machines? Our snow cone maker has levers, wheels, pulleys, and hammers! We love school functions and camps, and seeing the kid’s excitement as they learn basic engineering skills. In addition to snow cones we can provide worksheets and the hands-on fun that makes learning so interesting for your kids!

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